Crystal Reports on the web

Looking at the huge number of links, my code snippets and samples that I've accumulated during my journey with Crystal Reports and Report Server (RAS), I've realized that something should be done with all that. So, for all who are struggling with similar problems I've faced while pursuing that elusive goal of putting Crystal Reports on the web, I will put as much information here as I can ...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

GIF stored in the database and CR 9

I'm trying to display pictures stored in the database (SQL Server 2000 image column) in the report. JPGs are coming back fine, but GIFs are not. No errors, nothing.
I can't find anything on the businessobjects web site about not supporting GIFs... site is well known for how hard is to find information on it, but this time I can't find anything. Only one article about supported forms for repository, and there is no GIF format there.
Insert Picture is also ignoring GIF files, just JPG, TIFF, PNG...
What's going on?

** UPDATE **
GIF format is officialy "not fully" supported; for database retrieval, for logo retrieval in XI from file system, use either JPG or PNG, and forget .GIF. For embeded pictures in report, you can use GIF as OLE objects in version 9...